MotelGita Initiative
The MotelGita program works with moteliers like you to place Bhagavad Gitas in hotel and motels rooms across the United States. Our goal is to place more than 1 million Gitas in rooms across the United States. Members of our team have worked with single property owners to franchisees with multiple locations. Our seasoned team is available to help you through every step of the process. We have a diverse support team that works with you “shoulder to shoulder” from the time the order is placed until the books have arrived at your property.
The Bhagavad Gita (The Song of God) was spoken by Sri Krishna to his friend Arjuna on the Battlefield of Kurukestra (India) over 5,000 years ago. Their discourse – one of the greatest philosophical and religious dialogues known to man – took place just before the onset of war, a great fratricidal conflict between the sons of Dhrtarasta and on the opposing side their cousins the Pandavas, the sons of Pandu. The ensuing conversation and teachings of Sri Krishna have provided the most profound and influential spiritual teachings of all time. These potent spiritual teachings are as relevant today as they were the day they were spoken. Share this timeless wisdom with your guests!